This is the 581st most frequent Russian word.
The Russian word "оружием" means "weapon" or "arms" (instrument of combat).
In this sentence, 'оружием' refers to a specific type of weapon (a sword) used by a warrior in the context of combat.
Он победил врага с помощью меча, как опытный воин владеющий этим оружием.
He defeated the enemy with a sword, like an experienced warrior skilled with this weapon.
Here, 'оружием' highlights a sophisticated or innovative tool designed for use in combat, emphasizing technological advancement.
Проектированием этого сложного оружия занимались лучшие инженеры страны.
The design of this complex weapon was carried out by the best engineers in the country.
In this example, 'оружием' is used metaphorically to describe an intellectual skill as a means of achieving success in debates.