This is the 1563rd most frequent Russian word.
"Раунде" is the prepositional case of "раунд," meaning "in the round" or "in a round."
The word 'раунде' is used to describe a segment or stage in a competitive activity, such as a game or contest, specifically referring to 'the first round'.
В первом раунде игры нам удалось победить.
In the first round of the game, we managed to win.
Here, 'раунде' denotes a phase or division within an event structured in multiple sections, specifically relating to 'the third round'.
В третьем раунде соревнования участники показали свои лучшие результаты.
In the third round of the competition, the participants showed their best results.
In this case, 'раунде' indicates the final segment or culminating phase of an event, referring to 'the final round'.