
This is the 770th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "боравак" means "stay" or "residence".

Here, 'боравак' is used to denote a temporal residence or stay.

Привремени боравак у новом граду може бити узбудљив.

Temporary stay in a new city can be exciting.

In this context, 'боравак' refers to a specific room in a house designated for daily activities, a living room.

Дневни боравак у кући је веома простран и светaо.

The living room in the house is very spacious and bright.

Here, 'боравак' signifies the act of staying or spending time in a certain environment, such as nature.

С његовог лица могло се видети да му боравак у природи причињава велико задовољство.

From his face, it could be seen that spending time in nature brings him great joy.