
This is the 545th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "вртића" means "kindergarten" in English.

Here, 'вртића' is incorrectly used in the sense of 'kindergarten,' and it's in the genitive case when the locative 'вртићу' is appropriate in reality.

Моја ћерка иде у вртића сваког дана.

My daughter goes to the kindergarten every day.

In this sentence, 'вртића' is used in the genitive case singular, indicating possession or relation.

Опрема вртића је потпуно нова.

The equipment of the kindergarten is completely new.

Here as well, 'вртића' is in the genitive case singular, used to describe relation or ownership.

Директор вртића је најавио нове активности.

The kindergarten director announced new activities.