
This is the 536th most frequent Serbian word.

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"Вучић" is a Serbian surname, often derived from "вук," meaning "wolf."

The word 'Вучић' in this sentence is a proper noun referring to a person's surname, used here as the subject indicating the person holding a specific official position.

Вучић је председник Србије.

Vučić is the President of Serbia.

In this sentence, 'вучић' is a common noun denoting a figurative wolf cub, creating an imagery context as part of a song's theme.

Песма говори о вучићу који лови у шуми.

The song tells about the wolf cub hunting in the forest.

Here, 'Вучић' is part of a place's name, indicating a personalization often used for diners, taverns, or shops, giving it an invitational and informal tone.

У нашем комшилуку постоји кафана која се зове 'код Вучића'.

In our neighborhood, there is a tavern called 'At Vučić's'.