
This is the 15th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "дана" means "of the day" or "days" (genitive singular or plural form of "дан").

Here, 'дана' is the plural genitive case of 'дан' and refers to the last few days.

Време је такво последњих дана.

The weather has been like this in the past few days.

In this sentence, 'дана' is the genitive plural form of 'дан' and specifies the time duration.

Књигу сам прочитао за три дана.

I read the book in three days.

The phrase 'до дана данашњег' involves 'дана' in the singular genitive case, part of a fixed expression.

До дана данашњег нисам разумео ту причу.

To this day, I haven't understood that story.