
This is the 224th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "друштва" translates to "societies" or "communities" in English.

Here, 'друштва' is used in its meaning of 'society,' referencing the collective community or social structure.

Развијање друштва захтева улагање у образовање и технологију.

The development of society requires investment in education and technology.

In this context, 'друштава' is the plural form of 'society,' describing different societal groups or civilizations.

На одмору смо посетили етнографски музеј и истраживали живот различитих друштава.

On our vacation, we visited an ethnographic museum and explored the lives of various societies.

The word 'друштва' is used in this sentence to mean 'friends' or 'social group' referring to her acquaintances.

Након факултета, Анна је остала у контакту са пуно друштва.

After college, Anna stayed in touch with many of her friends.