
This is the 75th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "живот" means "life" in English.

The word 'живот' is used here in its primary meaning to denote 'life' as a concept, encompassing existence and experiences.

Живот је пун изненађења и изазова.

Life is full of surprises and challenges.

Here, 'живот' refers to one's personal existence, specifically highlighting the preciousness and stakes associated with it.

Он је ризиковао свој живот да спасе пријатеља.

He risked his life to save a friend.

In this case, 'живот' is applied in the context of describing the lifestyle or way of living of an animal.

Лав има врло занимљив живот у дивљини.

The lion has a very interesting life in the wild.