
This is the 923rd most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "завода" translates to "institute" or "establishment" in English.

In this context, 'завод' means an institute or establishment, referring to a center focused on specific societal functions (i.e., health care).

Она ради у Заводу за здравствену заштиту.

She works at the Health Care Institute.

Here, 'завод' is used to signify a bureau or governmental agency, in this case, dealing with employment.

Завод за запошљавање организује нове обуке.

The Employment Bureau organizes new training sessions.

Here, 'завод' refers to an office or an institute, specifically denoting an organization responsible for specific administrative functions (i.e., Statistics Office).

Посетили смо Завод за статистику ради истраживања.

We visited the Statistics Office for research purposes.