
This is the 854th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "зграда" means "building" in English.

Here, 'зграда' is used to describe the dwelling or structure where someone resides, functioning as a noun in the role of subject.

Зграда у којој живим је висока и модерна.

The building I live in is tall and modern.

In this sentence, 'зграда' indicates a physical structure outside which another object (parking) is located, serving as a referential noun.

Испред зграде се налази паркинг.

In front of the building, there is a parking lot.

Here, 'зграда' is used as a focal point in discussing its architectural style, acting as a noun in a possessive construct.

Стил ове зграде је веома занимљив.

The style of this building is very interesting.