
This is the 252nd most frequent Serbian word.

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"Ипак" means "nevertheless," "however," or "after all" in English.

In this sentence, 'ипак' conveys the sense of 'still' or 'nonetheless,' showing a contrast between the expectation (rain might prevent walking) and the action taken (choosing to walk).

Иако је падала киша, ипак су се одлучили да прошетају.

Although it was raining, they still decided to go for a walk.

Here, 'ипак' emphasizes the unexpectedness of the result despite the effort, giving it a nuance of contrasting outcome.

Он се трудио целе године и ипак није успео да положи испит.

He worked hard all year and still did not pass the exam.

In this case, 'ипак' introduces a contrast between an intention (to stay home) and the actual decision (to go to the party).

Хтео сам да останем кући, али сам ипак отишао на забаву.

I wanted to stay home, but I still went to the party.