
This is the 197th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "километара" means "kilometers" (plural, genitive case) in English.

The word 'километара' (kilometers) is used to measure distance in this context.

Удаљени смо само неколико километара од града.

We are only a few kilometers away from the city.

In this sentence, 'километара' is used to describe the length of the running distance covered by the subject.

Трчала је десет километара непрекидно током јутарњег тренинга.

She ran ten kilometers continuously during her morning training.

Here, 'километара' refers to the extent of visibility, again emphasizing distance.

Магла је спречила возаче да виде више од двадесет километара испред себе.

The fog prevented drivers from seeing more than twenty kilometers ahead.