
This is the 297th most frequent Serbian word.

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"Ковачевић" (Kovačević) is a common Serbian surname, derived from "ковач" (kovač), meaning "blacksmith."

In this sentence, "Ковачевић" is used as a surname, likely referring to a person attending a meeting.

Ковачевић је дошао на састанак тачно на време.

Kovačević arrived at the meeting exactly on time.

Here, "Ковачевић" again serves as a surname, probably of an author whose book was read.

Прочитао сам занимљиву књигу коју је написао Ковачевић.

I read an interesting book written by Kovačević.

In this instance, "Ковачевић" denotes a family surname, indicating a group of people from the same lineage.

У нашем крају, породица Ковачевић је веома позната.

In our area, the Kovačević family is very well-known.