
This is the 429th most frequent Serbian word.

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Kостолац (Kostolac) is a town in Serbia, known for its power plants and nearby ancient Roman archaeological site, Viminacium.

Here, 'Костолац' is used as a proper noun referring to a specific location, the city of Kostolac.

Костолац је град у Србији познат по античком налазишту Виминацијум.

Kostolac is a city in Serbia known for the ancient site of Viminacium.

In this context, 'Костолца' refers to the historical background related to the city Kostolac, demonstrating its genitive case.

Упознали смо се са историјом Костолца током наставе историје.

We learned about the history of Kostolac during history class.

Here, 'Костолац' is used again in its nominative form to denote the destination of a planned school trip.

Наша школа планира екскурзију у Костолац следећег месеца.

Our school is planning a trip to Kostolac next month.