
This is the 955th most frequent Serbian word.


Depressions or basins.

Here, 'котлине' refers to landscapes of geologically formed basins.

Волим да путујем по планинским регијама и истражујем котлине и њихове лепоте.

I love traveling through mountainous regions and exploring basins and their beauties.

In this sentence, 'котлинама' refers to areas where basins are located, emphasizing geographic and economic factors.

Становништво у котлинама често се бави пољопривредом због плодног земљишта.

The population in the basins often engages in agriculture due to fertile soil.

Here, 'котлинама' describes a specific condition of basins during the winter season.

У зимским котлинама температура је увек нижа него на околним брдима.

In wintertime basins, the temperature is always lower than on the surrounding hills.