
This is the 517th most frequent Serbian word.

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"Личности" in English means "personalities" or "individuals."

The word 'личности' here refers to historically notable individuals, emphasizing the concept of figures or people with significant influence.

Историјске личности имају великог утицаја на наше друштво.

Historical figures have a great influence on our society.

In this sentence, 'личности' denotes individual personal traits or unique characteristics of people, showcasing diversity.

Различите личности обогаћују нашу заједницу својим погледима.

Different personalities enrich our community with their views.

Here, 'личности' is used to describe the essence of a person's character or identity, particularly in an artistic context.

Сликар приказује сложеност људске личности у својим портретима.

The painter depicts the complexity of human personality in his portraits.