
This is the 716th most frequent Serbian word.

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"Милошевић" (Milošević) is a common Serbian surname derived from the given name "Милош" (Miloš), meaning "son of Miloš."

Here, 'Милошевић' is used as a proper noun, referring to a specific individual by their surname.

Милошевић је био познати историчар.

Milošević was a famous historian.

In this sentence, 'Милошевића' is used in the possessive case to indicate possession by someone named Milošević or the Milošević family.

Кућа Милошевића је на углу улице.

The Miloševićs' house is at the street corner.

'Милошевићу' is the dative case used with the preposition 'о' (about) to indicate the subject of study or reference.

Читао сам о Милошевићу у историјској књизи.

I read about Milošević in a history book.