
This is the 865th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "многих" means "of many" in English.

In this sentence, 'многих' modifies 'одговоре' to indicate whose answers, showing genitive plural usage.

Многа питања, али одговоре многих нисмо добили.

Many questions, but answers of many we haven’t received.

Here, 'многима' is the instrumental plural form of 'многи', contextualized to indicate 'with many' in the sense of interaction.

Разговор са многима је био веома користан.

The conversation with many was very useful.

Here 'многих' is the genitive plural form of 'многи', meaning 'many', and it indicates possession or quantity.

Многих људи је било на концерту синоћ.

Many people were at the concert last night.