
This is the 340th most frequent Serbian word.

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"народ" means "people" or "nation" in English.

Here, 'народ' is used to signify 'people' or 'nation', collectively referring to the group of individuals who identify culturally or historically as Serbian.

Српски народ је познат по својој гостољубивости.

The Serbian people are known for their hospitality.

In this example, 'народ' expresses the unity of individuals sharing a common identity, emphasizing inclusiveness and belonging.

Сви смо део истог народа, без обзира на разлике.

We are all part of the same people, regardless of differences.

Here, 'народ' is employed to describe the collective citizens or members of a society, focusing on their role or actions as a community.

У тешким временима, народ мора да покаже солидарност.

In difficult times, the people must show solidarity.