
This is the 972nd most frequent Serbian word.

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"Одличне" means "excellent" or "great" in English.

"Одличне" is used as an adjective describing pancakes, emphasizing their exceptional quality.

Најбоље палачинке су оне које мама прави - баш одличне!

The best pancakes are the ones mom makes - truly excellent!

"Одличне" is again an adjective, modifying "организационе вештине" (organizational skills), stressing their high quality.

Запосленој особи су одличне организационе вештине веома корисне.

Excellent organizational skills are very useful to an employed person.

"Одличне" serves to qualify "оцене" (grades), indicating outstanding achievement.

Миша је добио одличне оцене у школи овог полугодишта.

Misa received excellent grades at school this semester.