
This is the 979th most frequent Serbian word.

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The word "особама" in Serbian means "to persons" or "to individuals" in English.

The term 'osobama' is used in the dative case to indicate the indirect objects, referring to 'persons' who are beneficiaries of the assistance.

Pomogli smo osobama sa invaliditetom da se uključe u društvene aktivnosti.

We assisted persons with disabilities to engage in social activities.

The term 'osobama' appears in the dative case here, showing to whom the attention is directed.

Posebna pažnja je posvećena osobama koje su doživele traumatske događaje.

Particular attention is dedicated to persons who have experienced traumatic events.

In this instance, 'osobama' is dative plural, indicating individuals to whom the free training was enabled.

Osobama koje su se prijavile za seminar omogućena je besplatna obuka.

Persons who registered for the seminar were provided with free training.