
This is the 802nd most frequent Serbian word.

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"Полиција" in English means "police."

The word 'полиција' is used as the subject, referring to the police as an organization.

Полиција брзо реагује у хитним случајевима.

The police quickly respond in emergencies.

Here, 'полиција' is implied in the descriptive form 'полицијска', attributing the ownership of the cars.

Видели смо полицијска кола која патролирају нашим крајем.

We saw police cars patrolling our neighborhood.

In this sentence, 'полиција' denotes the entity or services contacted to report an incident.

Позвао сам полицију када сам примио чудан позив.

I called the police when I received a strange call.