
This is the 696th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "производњу" means "production" in English.

In this sentence, 'производњу' is in the accusative case, referred to as the target sector where investments are made.

Инвестиције у производњу могу повећати економски раст.

Investments in production can boost economic growth.

Here, 'производњу' appears in the accusative case again, indicating the direct object of the improvement action.

Захваљујући новој технологији, унапредили смо производњу.

Thanks to new technology, we improved production.

The word 'производњу' is used here in the accusative case, denoting the action of producing something as the focus of interest or activity.

Моја компанија се фокусира на производњу висококвалитетних производа.

My company focuses on the production of high-quality products.