
This is the 491st most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "простора" means "space" or "area."

'простора' is used to signify the concept of 'space' or 'room' available in a literal, physical sense.

У овој соби има довољно простора за све.

In this room, there is enough space for everyone.

Here, 'простора' refers to room or flexibility within a schedule, metaphorically speaking.

Разговараћемо о могућностима за више простора у распореду.

We will discuss the possibilities for more space in the schedule.

In this context, 'простора' is metaphorically used to describe the capacity or opportunity for expressing oneself.

Често ми недостаје простора за изражавање својих мисли.

I often lack space to express my thoughts.