
This is the 598th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "пројеката" is the genitive plural form of "пројекат," meaning "projects" in English.

The word 'пројеката' is in the genitive plural form of the noun 'пројекат' (project), used here to signify possessive/plural context in Serbian, referring to multiple projects.

Имамо пет пројеката које треба завршити до краја месеца.

We have five projects to complete by the end of the month.

The genitive plural 'пројеката' is used here to indicate ownership or scope of the noun it modifies ('финансирање' - funding), showing the impact on multiple projects.

Одлука се односи на финансирање научних пројеката.

The decision pertains to the funding of scientific projects.

Here 'пројеката' is also in the genitive plural case, utilized after the preposition 'о' (about) which requires the genitive case for its object in Serbian language.

Расправа о важности ових пројеката је кључна.

The discussion about the importance of these projects is crucial.