
This is the 997th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "пројекте" translates to "projects" in English (accusative plural form).

Used in the context of referring to multiple projects in the accusative case.

Имамо неколико интересантних пројекте које треба спровести.

We have several interesting projects to implement.

This usage shows projects in the context of long-term planning and also adheres to specific syntactical rules of the language.

Пројекте смо планирали дуго времена пре него што смо их почели.

We planned the projects for a long time before starting them.

Here, it is used to describe involvement in projects, again showing a plural accusative form.

Учествовао сам у разним значајним пројекте током своје каријере.

I participated in various significant projects during my career.