
This is the 67th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "радова" can mean "works" or "joys," depending on the context.

In this sentence, 'радова' refers to academic or written works, such as research papers.

Рекао сам да је прочитао много радова на ту тему.

I said he had read many papers on that topic.

Here, 'радова' denotes parts or chapters of written content, emphasizing divisions within a text.

Вратила је књигу у библиотеку након што је прочитала неколико радова из ње.

She returned the book to the library after reading several sections from it.

In this case, 'радова' connects to 'радовати се', which means to be joyful or to look forward to something, highlighting anticipatory joyfulness.

Моја сестра се радова овом викенду јер смо планирали да идемо на излет.

My sister is looking forward to this weekend because we planned to go on an outing.