
This is the 999th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "различитим" means "different" or "various" in English, in its instrumental plural form.

The word 'различитим' is used as an adjective in the instrumental plural case, describing the approaches with the attribute 'different'.

Ми смо се сложили о различитим приступима решавању проблема.

We agreed on different approaches to solving the problem.

The word 'различитим' as an adjective is modifying the plural noun 'стручњацима' in the instrumental case to describe them as 'different kinds of' experts.

Разговарали смо са различитим стручњацима у области.

We talked to different experts in the field.

Here, 'различитим' modifies the plural instrumental noun 'областима', indicating the fields are diverse or varying.

Радионице ће покривати теме из различитим областима истраживања.

The workshops will cover topics from different fields of research.