
This is the 651st most frequent Serbian word.

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Here, 'самоуправа' is used to describe the local governing body that makes independent decisions about community matters.

Општинска самоуправа је одлучила да повећа буџет за инфраструктуру.

The municipal self-government decided to increase the budget for infrastructure.

In this example, 'самоуправа' represents the concept of self-governance or autonomy in decision-making processes.

Демократија подразумева принцип самоуправе грађана у одлучивању.

Democracy implies the principle of citizens' self-governance in decision-making.

In this sentence, 'самоуправа' refers to a group or body within a school that takes part in decision-making and organizing activities autonomously.

Школска самоуправа је окупила ученике ради организовања догађаја.

The school self-government gathered students to organize an event.