
This is the 306th most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "средине" means "middle" or "centers," depending on the context.

Here, 'средине' refers to 'environment', describing the natural surroundings that need protection.

Морамо да чувамо природу, јер је очување средине важно за будуће генерације.

We must protect nature because the preservation of the environment is important for future generations.

In this sentence, 'средина' denotes 'background', referring to the social or cultural context of people's origins.

Људи различитих средина донели су своје обичаје у овај град.

People from different backgrounds brought their customs to this city.

Here, 'средина' means 'middle', relating to the central part of the table.

Поставио је вазу на средину стола да би је сви могли видети.

He placed the vase in the middle of the table so everyone could see it.