
This is the 579th most frequent Serbian word.

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"Стојановић" is a Serbian surname, derived from the given name "Стојан" (Stojan).

Here, 'Стојановић' functions as a name representing a family unit.

Породица Стојановић живи у тој кући.

The Stojanović family lives in that house.

In this sentence, 'Стojановићем' is a proper noun used in instrumental case as a part of a formal reference to a person.

Сусрео сам се са господином Стojановићем јутрос.

I met Mr. Stojanović this morning.

The word 'Стojановић' is used here as a noun referring to a specific surname.

Стoјановић je познато српско презиме.

Stojanović is a well-known Serbian surname.