
This is the 564th most frequent Serbian word.

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"Студија" in Serbian means "study" or "research" in English.

Here, 'студија' refers to a scholarly or scientific analysis or research work.

Студија о климатским променама нам пружа важне податке.

The study on climate change provides us with important data.

In this sentence, 'студија' means a detailed plan or design analysis of a specific project.

Архитекта је представио своју студију новог урбанистичког пројекта.

The architect presented his study of the new urban planning project.

Here, 'студија' denotes a report or paper prepared as an academic assignment.

Студенти су у библиотеци припремали студију за предавање.

The students were preparing a study for the lecture in the library.