
This is the 52nd most frequent Serbian word.

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The Serbian word "чачка" means "pokes" or "prods."

Here, "чачка" is used to describe tinkering or adjusting something, implying a physical involvement to fix or investigate an issue.

Мој отац увек чачка мотор када не ради исправно.

My father always fiddles with the engine when it doesn't work properly.

In this sentence, "чачкаш" is used metaphorically to indicate playing or continuously touching the phone absentmindedly.

Немој толико да чачкаш по телефону док причаш са мном.

Don't fiddle with the phone so much while talking to me.

"Чачкао" refers to the unnecessary or excessive handling of something, leading to unintended consequences.

Изгубио је сату јер га је стално чачкао и један кишни дан је пао у воду.

He lost his watch because he was constantly fiddling with it, and one rainy day it fell into water.