
This is the 940th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "Afrike" is the dative form of "Afrika," meaning "Africa" in English.

'Afrike' here is used in its locative form, showing location or place where something is happening.

V Afrike žije mnoho druhov zvierat.

In Africa, many species of animals live.

Here, 'Afrike' is used in its locative form within a clause to indicate the place of contemplation.

Myslím na to, ako je v Afrike.

I think about how it is in Africa.

The word 'Afrike' is in the locative case, used after the preposition 'o' (about) to indicate the subject of dreaming.

Sníval som o Afrike a jej púšťach.

I dreamed about Africa and its deserts.