
This is the 419th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Bezpečnosti" in English means "security" or "safety."

In this context, 'bezpečnosti' refers to safety measures ensuring protection and reduction of harm.

Nové pravidlá prispievajú k zvýšeniu bezpečnosti na cestách.

New regulations contribute to enhancing safety on roads.

Here, 'bezpečnosti' emphasizes careful review processes to ensure well-being and secure conditions during the event.

Podujatie bolo bez chýb, vďaka precíznej kontrole bezpečnosti.

The event went smoothly, thanks to meticulous safety checks.

The word 'bezpečnosti' signifies the consideration and implementation of rules safeguarding the staff's physical and emotional security.

Zamestnanci si ceníli opatrenia na ochranu svojej bezpečnosti.

The employees appreciated the measures to protect their safety.