
This is the 630th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "Británii" means "Britain" in English, specifically in the dative or locative case.

The word 'británii' here is used as a locative case, expressing the location where the action takes place.

Žije v Británii už desať rokov.

He has lived in Britain for ten years.

The word 'británii' is in the dative case indicating movement toward the location, but when the preposition 'do' is used, it becomes 'Británie' which is in the genitive case.

Do Británie sme cestovali minulý rok.

We traveled to Britain last year.

The word 'britániu' appears in the accusative case, indicating it is the object of the prepositional phrase.

Pre Britániu znamenal tento objav veľký pokrok.

For Britain, this discovery represented great progress.