
This is the 24th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Byť" means "to be" in English.

The verb 'byť' is utilized here in its infinitive form, representing the abstract idea of existence or state.

Byť alebo nebyť, to je otázka.

To be or not to be, that is the question.

In this instance, 'byť' is used in its infinitive form to articulate the state of being in a specific place.

Chcel by som byť na dovolenke pri mori.

I would like to be on vacation by the sea.

Here, 'byť' is employed in its infinitive form as part of the predicate, expressing a desire to adopt a quality or state.

Som študent, ktorý sa snaží byť lepší každý deň.

I am a student who strives to be better every day.