
This is the 375th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "centre" translates to "center" or "centre" in English, meaning the middle point or main area of something.

Here, 'centrum' is used as a noun to describe the central part of a town.

Centrum mesta bolo rušné celý deň.

The town center was bustling all day.

In this usage, 'centrum' denotes a facility or building specifically designated for events or gatherings, like a conference center.

Účastníci sa stretli v centre konferencie pred prednáškou.

The participants met in the conference center before the lecture.

Here, 'centrum' is used as a noun to refer to the central area or focal point of something, in this case a picture.

Deti kreslili obrázky a farbami vyzdvihovali centrum obrazu.

The children drew pictures and highlighted the center of the image with colors.