
This is the 858th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Dcéra" means "daughter" in English.

In this sentence, 'dcéra' is a noun referring to a familial relationship, specifically the speaker's female child.

Moja dcéra má narodeniny dnes.

My daughter has her birthday today.

Here, 'dcéra' is used as a noun to denote the daughter of the neighbor, showing possession and relationships outside the speaker's direct family.

Hovoril som s dcérou svojej susedy o záhrade.

I talked to my neighbor's daughter about the garden.

In this context, 'dcéra' is used metaphorically to depict a symbolic relationship, signifying origin or affiliation.

Zúčastnila sa oslavy ako predstaviteľka svojho mesta, dcéra tejto krajiny.

She attended the celebration as a representative of her city, the daughter of this country.