
This is the 966th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "der" means "hole" in English.

In this sentence, 'der' might function as a technical term or abbreviation in Slovak, as 'der' isn't inherent to Slovak and its usage there might be due to external influences or specific contexts.

Der bol skrytý pod stolom.

The der was hidden under the table.

Here, 'der' could simulate a sound or expression used for emphasis, without a direct lexical meaning.

Niekto zakričal ‚der‘ uprostred ticha.

Someone shouted 'der' in the middle of silence.

This example illustrates 'der' as the masculine singular article in German, referencing its linguistic origin and application.

Slovné spojenie ‚der Mond‘ pochádza z nemčiny.

The phrase 'der Mond' originates from German.