
This is the 645th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "diplomacie" translates to "diplomacy" in English, meaning the art and practice of managing international relations.

The word 'diplomacie' in this context emphasizes the skill or practice involved in negotiating and resolving disputes.

Bez umenia diplomacie by riešenie konfliktov bolo oveľa ťažšie.

Without the art of diplomacy, resolving conflicts would be much more difficult.

Here, 'diplomacie' refers to modern strategic methods of carrying out international relations.

Dnešný svet si vyžaduje nové prístupy k diplomacii.

Today's world requires new approaches to diplomacy.

The word 'diplomacie' here refers to the field or study of diplomacy, which involves international relations and negotiations.

Študenti sa učia základy diplomacie na univerzite.

Students learn the basics of diplomacy at the university.