
This is the 971st most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "dôkazov" means "of evidence" or "of proofs" in English (genitive plural form).

In this sentence, 'dôkazov' is used as a noun in the genitive plural form to denote 'evidence' in the context of something tangible or metaphoric that serves as proof.

Na stole bolo veľa dôkazov.

There was a lot of evidence on the table.

Here, 'dôkazov' again is a noun in the genitive plural form, implying the context of examination in a legal scenario.

Právnici sa pripravovali na preskúmanie dôkazov.

The lawyers were preparing to examine the evidence.

In this instance, 'dôkazov' is used in the same grammatical form, highlighting its necessity as a prerequisite in decision-making contexts.

Bez dostatočných dôkazov nemožno rozhodnúť.

Without sufficient evidence, a decision cannot be made.