
This is the 864th most frequent Slovak word.

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Here, 'dôvodov' represents 'reasons' in the genitive plural form, indicating a quantity of reasons for learning languages.

Existuje mnoho dôvodov na učenie sa nových jazykov.

There are many reasons to learn new languages.

'Dôvodov' is used in a possessive genitive plural context, referring to reasons belonging to a specified group.

Niektoré z tých dôvodov ma naozaj prekvapili.

Some of those reasons really surprised me.

Here, 'dôvodov' functions in the genitive plural form following the preposition 'zo', indicating 'out of all' in the context provided.

Zo všetkých dôvodov som si vybral ten najdôležitejší.

Out of all the reasons, I chose the most important one.