
This is the 399th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "epidémie" means "epidemics" in English, referring to widespread outbreaks of infectious diseases.

The word 'epidémie' here is used to describe an outbreak of a disease affecting many individuals in a community or population.

Počas epidémie chrípky školy museli zatvoriť.

During the flu epidemic, schools had to close.

In this sentence, 'epidémii' refers to the condition of an epidemic situation from a preventive perspective.

Pri epidémii je dôležité dodržiavať hygienické opatrenia.

During an epidemic, it is essential to follow hygiene measures.

In this case, 'epidémií' is used in the plural form to examine multiple historical instances of disease outbreaks.

Historici skúmajú dopady stredovekých epidémií na spoločnosť.

Historians study the impacts of medieval epidemics on society.