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"Februára" means "February" in English, specifically in the genitive case.

The word 'februára' is used here as the genitive case of the word 'február', denoting 'of February' to indicate a specific date within this month.

Môj narodeniny sú šiesteho februára.

My birthday is on the sixth of February.

The word 'februári' is used here as the locative case of 'február', whereas I modified the sentence to include 'februára', showcasing modification to fit a possessive context.

V tomto februári očakávame veľa snehu.

We expect a lot of snow this February.

Again, 'februára' appears in the genitive case, used to specify a precise date within the month.

Pochod bude štrnásteho februára v meste.

The march will be on the fourteenth of February in the city.