
This is the 32nd most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "ho" means "him" or "it" (accusative singular form of "on" - he/it).

The word 'ho' is used as a third-person singular masculine accusative pronoun meaning 'him' as the object of the verb 'vidím' (I see).

Vidím ho na lúke.

I see him in the meadow.

The word 'ho' is used as a third-person singular masculine dative pronoun meaning 'him' as the recipient of the verb 'porozprával' (I told).

Porozprával som ho o našich zážitkoch.

I told him about our experiences.

Here, 'ho' operates as a third-person singular masculine accusative pronoun meaning 'it,' referring to a specific masculine noun used in the context of being mixed into milk as the object of 'zamiešal' (I mixed).

Zamiešal som ho do mlieka.

I mixed it into the milk.