
This is the 110th most frequent Slovak word.

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"Hodín" in Slovak means "of hours" (genitive plural of "hodina," meaning "hour").

Used in the context of units of time, 'hodín' is the genitive plural form of the noun 'hodina' (hour), indicating 'hours'.

Strávil som tri hodiny štúdiom.

I spent three hours studying.

In this sentence, 'hodín' again refers to a quantity of hours in a genitive plural form, following 'mnoho' (many).

Výklad o histórii trval mnoho hodín.

The lecture on history lasted many hours.

Here 'hodín' refers to hours on a clock and is used in a genitive plural form after the numeral 'šest' (six), conveying 'o'clock'.

Ten budík má byť nastavený na šest hodín ráno.

That alarm clock needs to be set for six o'clock in the morning.