
This is the 870th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "hostí" means "guests" in English.

In this sentence, "hostí" refers to the plural form of "guest," indicating people who attended the event.

Včera sme mali veľa hostí na oslave.

Yesterday, we had many guests at the celebration.

Here, "hostí" is the plural accusative form of "guest," referring to the anticipated attendees.

Musíme upratať miestnosť pre ďalších hostí.

We need to clean the room for additional guests.

This example uses "hostí" to denote the act of hosting or accommodating others, showcasing its use in a different context.

Kniha rozpráva o pohostinnosti voči cudzím hosťom a hostí.

The book discusses hospitality towards strange guests and hosting.