
This is the 539th most frequent Slovak word.

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The word "igora" does not have a meaning in Slovak; it may be a name or misspelling.

In this sentence, 'Igora' is in the genitive case, indicating that Igor is the person being referred to for help.

Igora som poprosil o pomoc so sťahovaním.

I asked Igor for help with the moving.

Here, 'Igora' is in the genitive case to indicate ownership, specifying the gift is intended for Igor.

Darček pre Igora čaká na stolíku.

The gift for Igor is waiting on the table.

In this instance, 'Igora' is in the genitive case to show origin, indicating that the greetings come from Igor.

Pozdravy od Igora sú vždy srdečné.

Greetings from Igor are always heartfelt.