
This is the 381st most frequent Slovak word.

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"Otherwise" or "differently."

'Inak' here is used as an adverb meaning 'otherwise,' introducing a contrast or an exception.

Mám sa inak dobre, len som trochu unavený.

Otherwise, I'm doing well, I'm just a bit tired.

In this example, 'inak' functions as a discourse marker, often translated as 'by the way,' to introduce additional information.

Tento návrh je inak veľmi zaujímavý.

By the way, this proposal is very interesting.

In this sentence, 'inak' is used as an adverb to indicate a different manner of action.

Ak by si sa rozhodol inak, všetko by dopadlo ináč.

If you had decided otherwise, everything would have turned out differently.